MoLSAMP Research Scholars

Spring 2025

Name Major Research



Image of Talon Michelle

 Biomed Sci /Cell-Molecular


Effects of Deacetylase Inhibitors on Sensitivity of Tetrahymena thermophila to Ultraviolet Light Irradiation

Advisor: Dr.Joshua Smith

Brynn Kayhill


Biology/Wildlife The effect of a C3 endo conformation of an otherwise unmodified sequence of DNA in 2D NOESY analysis of 2’-2’’ region

Advisor: Dr. Debra Finn

Christopher Wells


Biomedical Science

Investigation into the Impact of Hypochlorous Acid on Human Osteoclasts in an Effort to Reduce Infectious Complications of Compound Fracture Repair



Advisor: Dr. Joshua Smith

Jaslyn  Johnson

Image of Jaslyn Johnson

Biology/ Wildlife -fisheries

How do different tempratures influence Azolla growth


Advisor: Dr. La Toya Kissoon-Charles


Fall 2024 

Name Major Research



Image of Talon Michelle

 Biomed Sci /Cell-Molecular


Effects of Deacetylase Inhibitors on Sensitivity of Tetrahymena thermophila to Ultraviolet Light Irradiation

Advisor: Dr.Joshua Smith

Brynn Kayhill


Biology/Wildlife The effect of a C3 endo conformation of an otherwise unmodified sequence of DNA in 2D NOESY analysis of 2’-2’’ region

Advisor: Dr. Debra Finn

Christopher Wells


Biomedical Science

Investigation into the Impact of Hypochlorous Acid on Human Osteoclasts in an Effort to Reduce Infectious Complications of Compound Fracture Repair



Advisor: Dr. Joshua Smith

Tashon Washington

Image of Tashon Washington

Computer Science/ Software Development

To create an automated ML pipeline to detect the intensity of E-coli levels from images.

Advisor: Dr. T

Jaslyn  Johnson

Image of Jaslyn Johnson

Biology/ Wildlife -fisheries

How do different tempratures influence Azolla growth


Advisor: Dr. La Toya Kissoon-Charles


Spring 2024

Name Major Research

Victoria Ogbeifun

Image of victoria

Chemistry & Biology /

Microbiology & Biotech

Purification of CYP1A2

Advisor: Dr. Natasha DeVore

Brynn Kayhill


Biology/Wildlife The effect of a C3 endo conformation of an otherwise unmodified sequence of DNA in 2D NOESY analysis of 2’-2’’ region

Advisor: Dr. Debra Finn

Christopher Wells


Biomedical Science

Investigation into the Impact of Hypochlorous Acid on Human Osteoclasts in an Effort to Reduce Infectious Complications of Compound Fracture Repair

Advisor: Dr. Amanda Brodeur

Jalyssa Keyton


Biomedical Science

Clustering of proteins involved in neurogenetic diseases by cellular locations

Advisor: Dr. Tayo Obafemi-Ajayi

James Wilson



The effect of a C3 endo conformation of an otherwise unmodified sequence of DNA in 2D NOESY analysis of 2’-2’’ region

Advisor: Dr. Gary Meints

Fall 2023

Name Major Research

Victoria Ogbeifun

Image of victoria

Chemistry & Biology /

Microbiology & Biotech

Purification of CYP1A2

Advisor: Dr. Natasha DeVore

Brynn Kayhill


Biology/Wildlife The effect of a C3 endo conformation of an otherwise unmodified sequence of DNA in 2D NOESY analysis of 2’-2’’ region

Advisor: Dr. Debra Finn

Jeffery Mitchell


Computer Science

Robotics modeling of 3D deformable objects

Advisor: Dr. Mukulika Ghosh & Dr. Tayo Obafemi-Ajayi

James Wilson



The effect of a C3 endo conformation of an otherwise unmodified sequence of DNA in 2D NOESY analysis of 2’-2’’ region

Advisor: Dr. Gary Meints

Spring 2023

Maximo Reyes

Image of Maximo


Stress and Antioxidant Activity Assays of Wheat Successively Exposed to Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles and Perfluorooctanesulfonic Acid

Advisor: Dr. Cyren Rico

Victoria Ogbeifun

Image of victoria

Chemistry & Biology    /

Microbiology & Biotech

Purification of CYP1A2

Advisor: Dr. Natasha DeVore

Ana Torres

image of ana

Mechanical Engineering

Design and Development of a Capacitive Deionization Unit for Evaluating Electrode Storage Limits

Advisor: Dr. Daniel Moreno & Dr. Tayo Obafemi-Ajayi

Fall 2022

Name Major Research

Ramona Gomez

image of Ramona


Water Quality Monitoring of Five Springs in Polk County, Missouri, to Determine Contamination Risks to the Springfield Aquifer

Advisor: Dr. Mélida Gutiérrez

Maximo Reyes

Image of Maximo


Stress and Antioxidant Activity Assays of Wheat Successively Exposed to Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles and Perfluorooctanesulfonic Acid

Advisor: Dr. Cyren Rico

Victoria Ogbeifun

Image of victoria

Chemistry & Biology    /

Microbiology & Biotech

Purification of CYP1A2

Advisor: Dr. Natasha DeVore

Ana Torres

image of ana

Mechanical Engineering

Design and Development of a Capacitive Deionization Unit for Evaluating Electrode Storage Limits

Advisor: Dr. Daniel Moreno & Dr. Tayo Obafemi-Ajayi

Spring 2022

Name Major Research

Dorian DeHart


Building a Rating Curve for Streams in Springfield Missouri

Advisor: Dr. Douglas Gouzie

Ramona Gomez


Water Quality Monitoring of Five Springs in Polk County, Missouri, to Determine Contamination Risks to the Springfield Aquifer

Advisor: Dr. Mélida Gutiérrez

Nakaja Weaver


Effects of ZnO and CuO NPS on Human Thyroid Cancer Cells (ML-1) vs Rat Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma (CA77) Cells

Advisor: Dr. Kyoungtae Kim

Tarkesia Blakley


The Effects of Hypochlorous Acid against Infectious Microbes

Advisor: Dr. Christopher Lupfer

Logan Rogers

Logan Rogers


Nitrogen Load in Three Streams of the James River Watershed near Springfield, Missouri

Advisor: Dr. Mélida Gutiérrez

Maximo Reyes


Stress and Antioxidant Activity Assays of Wheat Successively Exposed to Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles and Perfluorooctanesulfonic Acid

Advisor: Dr. Cyren Rico

Ana Torres

Mechanical Engineering

Design and Development of a Capacitive Deionization Unit for Evaluating Electrode Storage Limits

Advisor: Dr. Tayo Obafemi-Ajayi

Fall 2021

Name Major Research

Dorian DeHart


Monitoring Velocity of Springs and Streams in Springfield Missouri

Advisor: Dr. Douglas Gouzie

Mikala Meadows


Synthesis and Characterization of Several Pt(II) nitroso-naphtolates

Advisor: Dr. Nikolay Gerasimchu

Ramona Gomez


Water Quality Monitoring of Five Springs in Polk County, Missouri, to Determine Contamination Risks to the Springfield Aquifer

Advisor: Dr. Mélida Gutiérrez

Daniel Padilla


Characterization of Tunable Mesoporous Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles and their Biological Applications

Advisor: Dr. Adam Wanekaya

Nakaja Weaver


Testing Oxides on ML-1 Cells

Advisor: Dr. Kyoungtae Kim

Spring 2021

Name Major Research
Kaylene Reyes Biology/Environ & Evolution

Environmental Adaption of North American Grapevines

Advisor: Dr. Lazslo Kovacs

Dorian DeHart Geology

Temperature and Discharge Monitoring of Springs and Streams to Approximate Water Drainage Basins in Springfield Missouri

Advisor: Douglas Gouzie

Vanessa Morales Wildlife Biology

Bee Diet Breadth and Behavior

Advisor: Dr. Avery Russell

Cameron Kirk Biology

Effects of Quantum dots on Mammalian Cells

Advisor: Dr. Kyoungtae Kim

Mikala Meadows Chemistry

Synthesis and Characterization of Several Pt(II) nitroso-naphtolates

Advisor: Dr. Nikolay Gerasimchu

Ramona Gomez Geology

Water Quality Analysis of the Springfield Plateau Acquifer in Polk County Missouri

Advisor: Dr. Mélida Gutiérrez

Daniel Padilla Biology


Advisor: Dr. Adam Wanekaya

Fall 2020 Research Scholars

LSAMP Research Scholars Meeting with the co-ordinator Dr. T and graduate assistant Dacosta

LSAMP Scholars Spotlight Spring 2020

Fall 2020

Name Major Research
Kaylene Reyes Biology/Environ & Evolution

Environmental Adaptation in North American Grapevines (Vitis Species)

Advisor: Dr. Lazslo Kovacs

Dorian DeHart


Temperature and Discharge Monitoring of Springs and Streams to Understand Water Drainage

Advisor: Douglas Gouzie

Vanessa Morales Wildlife Biology

How Patterns Of Behavioral Flexibility And Diet Breadth Correlate In Bees

Advisor: Dr. Avery Russell

Glory Ehie Microbiology/Biotechnology

Effects that Indium Phosphide Quantum Dots has on Mammalian Cells

Advisor: Dr. Kyoungtae Kim

Cameron Kirk Biology

Effects of Quantum dots on Mammalian Cells

Advisor: Dr. Kyoungtae Kim

Spring 2020

Name Major Research
Kaylene Reyes Biology/Environment & Evolution

The Correlation Between Ionomics and Plant Adaptation for Climate Change Survival

Advisor: Dr. Laszlo Kovacs

Dorian DeHart Geology

Investigation of Heavy Metals in the Ozark Aquifer

Advisor: Dr. Melinda Gutierrez

Vanessa Morales Wildlife Biology

Studying the Elemental Composition of Native North American Grapevines

Advisor: Dr. Laszlo Kovacs

Terrick Boyd Computer Science

A Graphical User Interface(GUI) For Machine Learning Visualization Techniques and Investigation of Impact of Noise in LSTM

Advisor: Dr. Tayo Obafemi-Ajayi

Sydney Wright Biology

Does Haldane's Rule Predict Mitochondrial DNA Introgression Across Animal Hybrid Zones

Advisor: Dr. Jay McEntee

Anthony Grate Wildlife Biology

Assessing Fertility Patterns in a Captive Breeding Population of Alligator Snapping Turtles

Advisor: Dr. Day Ligon

Glory Ehie Microbiology/Biotechnology

Intracellular Trafficking Mediated by Myosin 2 in Yeast Cells

Advisor: Dr. Kyoungtae Kim

Caitlin Sifuentes Geology A Petrochronologic Analysis of Detrital Zircons from the Bay of Bengal
Jaden Webb Biology

Computational Modeling of Nature's First Step in Rotenone Biosynthesis: Understanding How L-Phenylalanine is Transformed into trans-Cinnamic Acid

Advisors: Dr. Matthew Siebert and Dr. Ryan Udan

Cameron Kirk Biology Intracellular Trafficking

Fall 2019 

Name Major Research
Julia Villarreal Biology

Myosin 2 Implication in Snc 1 Exocytosis

Advisor: Dr. Kyoungtae Kim

Anthony Grate Wildlife Biology

Assessing Fertility Patterns in a Captive Breeding Population of Alligator Snapping Turtles

Advisor: Dr. Day Ligon

Dorian Dehart Geology

Investigation of Heavy Metals in the Ozark Aquifer

Advisor: Dr. Melida Gutierrez

Jaden Webb Biology/Microbiology and Biotech

Nature’s First Step of Rotenone Biosynthesis: Conversion of L-Phenylalanine to trans-Cinnamic Acid

Advisors: Dr. Matthew Siebert and Dr. Ryan Udan

Terrick Boyd Web Programming

A Graphical User Interface(GUI) For Machine Learning Visualization Techniques

Advisor: Dr. Tayo Obafemi-Ajayi

Kaylene Reyes Biology/ Environmental & Evolutionary 

Genetic Mapping of Vitis rupestris and Vitis riparia for Environmental Adaptability

Advisor: Dr. Lazslo Kovacs

Mark Raymond Computer Science/ Software Development

Smartphone-based Pedestrian Intent Inference and Communication with Nearby

Dr. Anthony Clark

Teresa Aguayo Biology

Evaluation of Rain Gardens in a City Prone to Flash Floods

Advisor: Dr. La Toya Kissoon-Charles

Jonathan Giron Geology

Chemicals In Our Waters

Advisor: Dr. Melida Gutierrez

Derek G. Baker Biology/ Wildlife Biology

Inter-species Responses to Alarm Signals in Fishes

Advisor: Dr. Alicia Mathis

Summer 2019

Name Major Research
Goodnews Ehie

High School Student

Research on Machine Learning Techniques for Biomedical Applications

Advisor: Dr. Tayo Obafemi-Ajayi

Lorica Winston High School Student

Examination of immune system protein interactions in yeast and human cells

Advisor: Dr. Christopher Lupfer

Ivionna Spears High School Student

Examination of immune system protein interactions in yeast and human cells

Advisor: Dr. Kyoungtae Kim

Anthony Grate Wildlife Biology

Assessing Fertility Patterns in a Captive Population of Alligator Snapping Turtles (Macrochelys temminckii)

Advisor: Dr. Day Ligon

Julia Villarreal Biology

Myosin v-mediated cargo traffic toward the trans-Golgi network

Advisor: Dr. Kyoungtae Kim

Spring 2019

Name Major Research
Vanessa Morales Wildlife Biology

Recolonization of Snails in an Ozark Stream with Flashy Flows

Advisor: Dr. Debra Finn

Elliot Campbell Computer Science

Personalization and Portability of Electronic Health Records

Advisor: Dr. Tayo Obafemi-Ajayi

Julia Villarreal Biology

Stress Levels of different mutants of Dynamin

Advisor: Dr. Kyongtae Kim

Karina Sewell Biology

Investigating Novel Protein Interactions in NLRP3

Advisor: Dr. Christopher Lupfer

Anthony Grate Wildlife Biology

Assessing Fertility Patterns in a Captive Breeding Population of Alligator Snapping Turtles

Advisor: Dr. Day Ligon

Teresa Aguayo Biology

Rain gardens; assessment five years or more after construction

Advisor: Dr. La Toya Kissoon-Charles