CNAS Events and Competitions
Attend conferences, present research and get your competitive juices flowing.
Fall events for MSU students
CNAS STEM Career Expo
- Event date: November 13, 2024
- Time and place: PSU Ballroom, 3:00-6:00 PM
At the CNAS STEM Career Expo, you can explore all the student organizations and programs within CNAS.
3-Minute Thesis Competition
- Event date: October 21, 2024
- Time and place: Meyer Library 101, 3:00 PM
Provide two PowerPoint slides, one with your name, graduate program and presentation title and another to accompany your talk (with no animations).
Email your PowerPoint slides to by 5:OO PM Friday, October 18. Slides will be loaded on the computer in the presentation room in preparation for the afternoon session.
MAKO Undergraduate Mathematics Research Conference
- Event date: November 9, 2024
Undergraduate students and faculty from Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas and Oklahoma (MAKO) are invited to submit papers for presentation.
All papers should discuss material understandable by undergraduates who have completed calculus courses only.
Spring events for MSU students
Einhellig Interdisciplinary Forum
- Event date: April 25, 2025
- Time and Place: TBD, PSU Ballroom
Share your research and creative work completed in your graduate program with students and faculty from campus and other colleges.
The Einhellig Interdisciplinary Forum includes oral, poster and performance presentations.
CNAS Undergraduate Research Symposium
- Event date: April 24, 2025
- Time and place: 12:30 PM, PSU Ballroom
Check out the best in undergraduate research at MSU.
Students present their research posters, followed by a guest speaker and an awards ceremony.
Contact your advisor for abstract, poster and video instructions.
Spring events for K-12 students
Science Olympiad
Event Date: February 22, 2025
Hosted by MSU, this tournament aims to:
- Improve the quality of science education.
- Increase overall interest in science.
- Recognize outstanding achievement in science education by students and teachers.
Ozarks Science and Engineering Fair
Event date: March 11-13, 2025
This regional competition brings young student scientists and engineers together on research projects.
OSEF provides an excellent opportunity to work with local scientists and professionals in science-related fields.
Pummill Math Relays
Event Day: TBD
For over 40 years, high schoolers have shown their math expertise in this popular event.
The relays encourage future Bears to explore the MSU campus and help aspiring math teachers and others gain valuable resume experience.
CNAS Calendar
