2024 S-STEM National Conference
S-STEM Scholars at the National Conference - Chicago
In November 2024, four S-STEM Missouri State scholars attended the S-STEM Scholars & PI Meeting in Chicago: Cami Carpenter (Biology), Autumn Reid (Biology) Sydney Schneikert (Mathematics), and Ginie Steck (Computer Science). This annual event is a nation-wide convening of S-STEM Scholars, PIs, and Co-PIs from active S-STEM Awards. It provides an opportunity to build community throughout the S-STEM network, connect with potential employers and graduate degree programs, engage in professional and career development activities, and present work across a wide array of STEM disciplines.
The S-STEM Scholar and PI meeting was a weekend of discoveries and growth. The experience was eye opening for me as a woman in stem, and specifically computer science. I love computer science, but the idea of working for a corporate business my whole life isn’t the path I wanted to take. I never knew where to look, or if I could even do something that aligned with my values and degree. During the Opening Plenary, Tiffani Asheley Bell spoke about her career. She was a computer scientist who started The Human Utiliti, a website that helps people in the United States with their water bills. This speaker gave me hope that I could do something meaningful in my future career.
The conference also let us engage with others through workshops and encouraged building a network of people in your corner. Since attending, I’ve actively sought out connections in the field and have been fortunate to find a mentor to guide me in my journey. Additionally, I was able to talk to many different scholars. As we shared our experiences with each other, I realized I wasn’t as alone as I previously thought.
This experience not only reignited my passion for computer science but also reaffirmed my belief that I can chart a path that aligns with my values. I now feel more confident in my ability to create meaningful change through my work, supported by a network of mentors and peers who share similar aspirations.
-- Ginnie Steck
Main Take-Aways from Scholars
The S-STEM Scholar and PI Meeting was a weekend of discoveries and growth. Throughout the conference we have been able to converse with several other scholars and intellectuals about their fields of study and respective programs. The conference had speakers from a multitude of fields and displayed the many possibilities within the stem field. The conference offered multiple workshops that focused on topics such as networking, communication, imposter syndrome, and positive psychology. Within these workshops we were able to not only learn about the topics they surrounded, but also about the people that were also in attendance.
Additionally, there were poster sessions throughout the conference. During these sessions students were able to display and talk about different research they have been working on. One of these posters stuck out to me. A civil engineer was able to create a device to measure the pH and levels of nitrogen from lakes surrounding farms. This device would be a safer alternative for scientists and researchers to use rather then going out by boat and collecting data.
Overall the conference was a great experience for us to learn and grow as stem scholars.